Educators are innovators.
Hi I’m Darrell, I am lucky enough to have spent my whole working life creating artwork with children and young people, mainly in schools but also in museums, libraries, theatres and as a part of festivals or events.
Originally from the West Midlands I spent the first 13 years of my career as the Art Tutor at Ingestre Hall Residential Arts Centre in Staffordshire before moving down to Dorset to set up my own business ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ in 2005. Since then I have provided art workshops and training sessions for hundreds of different organisations including many Primary and Secondary Schools, ‘Arts’ providers and also larger clients such as the World Wildlife Fund, The National Trust and The Natural History Museum.
I originally trained as an illustrator but gradually over time I became more and more interested in sculptural work, nowadays my work is predominantly three dimensional and incorporates simple techniques and cheap, everyday materials, mainly scrap cardboard and paper. This makes the outcomes accessible and achievable for even the youngest of participants.
I love what I do and I hope that is apparent in the work that I create. I enjoy working with children, I admire their adaptability and resourcefulness, I appreciate their honesty and I am always amazed by their energy and enthusiasm. In return I try my best to match these attributes.
I undertake art projects based on all manner of themes and ideas so if you are interested in any aspect of my work please feel free to contact me to discuss things further.
Darrell Wakelam
3D Artist, Teacher, Trainer